Olivet High School continues to grow in numbers. Students (both new and continuing students) receives Gods word every morning of the School days. Great development showing up this year as new teachers introduces new policy.
In the year 2019, the school had great impact in the personal and spiritual lives of the teens. This was later realized how positive the surrounding families and communities were affected. According to OAA article dated January 3, 2020 it was titled, “Olivet High School Impacts Local Community with Biblical Education”, https://olivetnews.org/articles/987/20200103/olivet-high-school-impacts-local-community-with-biblical-education-system.htm.
This year, the school is growing, a new system has been introduced to cater for proper deliverance of educational services you the students as more new teachers are recruited. The spiritual department led by the School Chaplain Mr. Gasto Musonda is working effortlessly to ensure proper deliverance of the Word of God to the students. Daily devotion is held before the normal class hours and every Thursdays a School general Bible is held with maximum attendance from both students and staff of the School
The plan is to ensure the spiritual growth of every person that is a part of Olivet High School.