Africa held missionaries and Ministry leaders’ five days Conference in Kenya from 1st to 5th April. A question asked by one of the preachers during this conference left everyone thinking and reviewing their lives. Do I have a Passport to Heaven?
The missionary Preacher asked a very important question that a Christian need. After hearing touching and graceful testimonies coming from both the missionaries and the ministry leaders. He was moved, but it was not the graceful testimonies that moved the house that morning, it was the question that the preacher asked as he was beginning. He said, “Ah, it is very graceful to hear your testimonies, the struggles and hardship you faced, we thank God that you made it here”, “but I want to ask you this question”. “Do you have a heavenly Passport?” “Are you struggling to obtain heavenly passport or you are just doing the earthly one?”
These questions cut deep into the heart of those in attendance, one brother could not even explain enough, he said, “Oh ahahahah, I don’t know, Oh My God! Oh, this is very serious”. This expression means that, the brother understood the meaning of the question and felt the pain of not focusing on obtaining the heavenly passport. Later in his testimonial reflection, he said. “I have seen the grace of God especially the closing service pastor Thomas preaches how we need to struggle to get a Heavenly passport. He asked the question “Do you have Heavenly passport in your life?” “This question made me realize how much effort and sacrifice I need to obtain it for the sake of my Salvation and my family including others”.
Everyone went back with one very important question that they need to ask in their lives as Christians and focus on obtaining the righteousness of God.