Uganda, Emmanuel Church continues to conduct lunch hour fellowship. Fridays was a special one with very high number in attendance from 12:20 pm to 1:40pm
Uganda is focused on the spiritual growth and development. This calls for having much time in the presence of God in prayers and studying of the Word. Lunch our fellowship is one of the ways that the ministry is utilizing to teach, pray and meditate on the Good News.
Friday session was graced with praise and worship led by scripture Union concerted college school, intercession and sermon which was shared by Rebecca from the book of Acts 2:1-4 under the theme, “How the Holy Spirit works” led by Elim leader Rebecca. She expounded that, the Holy Spirit heals, directs, speaks, and creates a way. Therefore, everyone should pray to God to provide them with the Holy Spirit, and be humble enough to accept the leadership of the Spirit of God.
Shallon shared that, “indeed it was a powerful lunch hour service”. “It is good to see many sacrifice their time to come before at this time”.