On Sunday, March 3rd, Gratia church experienced great God’s hand from the service.
Children had their service and they learned about “Lord’s Prayer” from Luke 11:1-4.
At the main service, they meditated the book of Luke 15:1-7 “Parable of the lost sheep”. The preacher missionary Jane shared that “To God, we were all lost sheep because we all have sinned, but the Lord didn’t leave us to perish, but he came to us to find us”. She explained more with Isaiah 53 about the suffering servant and the wisdom of God in the Cross from 1 Corinthians 1:20- 25.
After the service, they had fellowship time sharing the grace of God. They were also thinking about how the Cross is different from the expectation of the world or even some believers.
At this Sunday Service, they received 3 newcomers. They were Walter, Esther, and Francis. They joined by the evangelism of the members and Walter joined at the Bible study on Saturday also.
Members thanked God for sending newcomers each Sunday. They pray God that the newcomers may grow well in God, and the church can increase in number continually in this month.