By the grace of God, OA Zambia started a new cell church named ‘John Laing’ cell church. The first service was held in the new place with missionary James, OAA representative, Walter(AM Africa), and other attendees.
This cell church started two months ago from pastor John’s home. Missionary James visited and shared a message for ‘the faith of Creation’ to share the meaning of the beginning.
He shared that “we need to know the beginning of this world that there is God who created this world according to Genesis 1:1”. He gave a lesson that when renewing our heart by the words of God, we can be free from the chaos, emptiness, and darkness. He encouraged to the church members to remember this day they attended at the beginning of this cell church and he added “The Kingdom of God is growing big as mustard seed”
Pastor John explained the meaning of the church of Olivet Assembly according to the Hebrew 12:18-29 and Luke 22:39-46. He explained an olive oil is the one to anointing and using for the lamps for the light of the tabernacle from Lev 24:1-4.
They shared the vision of the church and decided to propose to make the new name of the church after one month.