Sunday Service on April 15th was held at Emmanuel Church Nigeria. The Sunday Service started at 9:00 am with the opening prayer led by Ikede Wisdom.The topic taught by Yetunde for the week was ‘UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST’.
The foundational text used was Philippians 2: 1-4 and the class lasted for 30mins. The service started at 9:55 am with worship and praise which was immediately followed by the Word session taken by Lawal Dolapo. The text used was Eph.1: 6-9. He talked of how we’ve been blessed by God in all heavenly (places) and our redemption unto God by justification through grace revealed to us by the obedience of Jesus Christ to God’s redemptive will.
The service had a new soul added in the person of ONIFADE ABIMBOLA. The service came to an end at 12:00 pm with benediction taken by Aldukwe Andrew.