Apostolos Missions Africa received two new online Bible Students (Mariam from Kenya and Eve King from Uganda). Marian was able to attend Bible study on the very day. There are currently 6 students with a goal of making 10 by the end of the month.
While in Uganda, Walter also carried out evangelism around Makerere University. He visits hostel by hostel since there are no students at the campus. It was not very fruitful as none of the six students was able to join today. But the plans for follow up is in place, hoping that God will touch their hearts and join to the Bible studies. As Jesus said in John 6:44 that no one comes to Him except the Father allows. We will continue to pray for them that God may reach them with a conviction to join.
On the other hand, today’s Bible study Romans 1:14-16 the students received God’s love as the three (Phiona, Emmanuel, and Mariam) out of 6 Bible students that attended shared graceful reflections. Emmanuel shared, “I didn’t understand before that the gospel is what brings about salvation. I realize now that I need Jesus”. Marian said, “I thank God for the teaching, it triggered something inside of me and a reminder of verses I haven’t visited for a while came back to me today, I could not stop taking notes, so I hope to continue joining to the Bible study”.