The Church should be taught how to Pray

Revival Church held a service on November 10, 2019. The Church was blessed by the teaching and preaching about the spirit of Truth and how to pray coming from Joel 2:28-29 and Mathew 6:9-15.

The bible study came from the book of Matthew 6:9-15 teaching how to pray. Ruth that prayer is, a way of talking to God. Offered to honor and please Him. The question is, how do we do this? “If we reflect upon the Lord’s prayer it has contents that cover everything in our lives”, “Jesus gave this prayer to be a guide on how we are to pray.

“When we offer our prayers to God we must first acknowledge God as our father who is in heaven for the bible says that flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit to spirit, John 3:6”. “The praises of God should always come first before giving our requests to God, ‘may your name be honored'”. “The kingdom of God is very important to us for we hope of enjoying the peace, unity and justice it brings”, “Jeremiah 29:11, ‘your will be done’ only God has good plans for us, our plans may seem good enough for ourselves but God’s plans are the best, God sees not only the present things but he sees also the future and his plans covers a life time”.

“Just like our bodies need food so that we can grow and be strong so does our spirits, Amos 8:11, a famine of the word of God is coming in the world not of food but of the word of God, so we need to be ready when it comes. “Matthew 5:7, we need to have mercy upon those who sin against us for the amount of sins that we commit against God are way greater than those that our sisters and brothers commit against us but he is merciful enough to forgive us”, “Verse 14 & 15 clearly tells us that only if we forgive others then will we be forgiven our sins”, she shared.

The sermon was led by Gusto, Joel 2:28-29 talking about the spirit of truth. God promised to pour out his spirit on everyone. This spirit is the Holy spirit. “The Lord said he will pour out his spirit. In the same way, Jesus said that he will send a helper who is the spirit of truth, John 15:26. The Holy Spirit comes with him the truth about God and is poured upon us, He lives in us and enables us to understand more about Jesus and God”, he shared.